The Science of Sleep: How it Impacts Your Productivity in the Workplace
  Posted on 10 May, 2023
When you have a relaxed sleep at night, you wake up fresh and active the next morning, fully recharged and ready for the day. You owe it all to good-quality sleep. In short, how energized you feel during the day depends on how well you slept the previous night. Yes, the number of hours and quality of sleep will determine whether you can stay awake in an important meeting or deliver a creative presentation. If you want to improve your performance at work, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we'll explore how sleep and productivity are related, and even reveal a few natural sleep remedies that will help you get a few hours of sleep. Read on to find out how you can boost your productivity at work.

Why is sleep so important? Doesn't our body just shut down when we sleep?

Not really. Even when your body is asleep at night, it still has many functions going on inside it that are controlled by the brain.
  • Emotion processing: Sleep deprivation is more likely to cause mood swings, anxiety and depression, as healthy sleep is needed to regulate these emotions.
  • Maintain blood pressure: Sleep helps in regulating stress hormones, that result in lowering blood pressure. Sleeping less than 6 hours a night has an increased risk of developing hypertension.
  • Boost immunity: there's a reason your doctor always suggests you get enough sleep in addition to medication when you're sick. Getting enough sleep helps you recover more quickly from any illness. Sleep gives the body time to regenerate and also speeds up immune functions.
  • Integrating memories: Sleep helps gather information during the day and consolidate it into memories at night. The ability to retain information and recall it in the future is impaired by not getting sound sleep.
  • Regulates leptin and ghrelin: The two hormones leptin and ghrelin are responsible for controlling appetite. Ghrelin's role is to increase the feeling of hunger, while leptin signals the brain to feel full. Insufficient sleep tends to increase ghrelin levels and decrease leptin levels.
  • Regulates metabolism: the body's ability to process fats from the bloodstream is impaired when you don't get enough sleep. Since these fats cannot be metabolized, they're stored as fat deposits, leading to weight gain.
  • Muscle repair: sleep is important for muscle recovery and growth. The pituitary gland releases growth hormones that stimulate muscle repair and growth.
Sleep hormones and natural sleep aids

It's recommended to sleep 7-9 hours per night. Our internal body clock (circadian rhythm) receives signals of light and darkness from our external environment to promote wakefulness and sleep, respectively. So when it gets dark after sunset, our bodies begin to produce sleep-promoting hormones such as melatonin and adenosine. The production of these two sleep hormones gradually increases and helps us enter a deep sleep phase. During this phase, our blood vessels relax, reducing our heart rate and breathing. This deep sleep phase is called non-REM sleep, during which the body releases accumulated toxins and recovers for the next day. Let's look into the relationship between sleep hormones and our sleep.

1. Melatonin - hormone for sleep

Melatonin is a hormone that plays an important role in the initiation of sleep. It is our body's natural sleep aid. The pineal gland in the brain produces melatonin hormone. This pineal gland receives signals from the external environment that regulate the production of the hormone. When darkness sets in after sunset, the pineal gland gives a signal to produce melatonin. As a result, melatonin levels gradually increase and promote nighttime sleep. In contrast, when the pineal gland is exposed to sunlight during the day, melatonin production slowly decreases. This melatonin production can be affected by artificial light or blue light from devices, disrupting the body's circadian rhythm and affecting sleep.

2. The adenosine hormone for sleep

During the day, our body uses many energy resources for its functioning and produces waste products (toxins) as a byproduct that accumulate in the brain. Adenosine is one of these byproducts. The more adenosine is produced in the brain, the greater the urge to fall asleep, as this effect is called "sleep pressure" The reason caffeine helps you stay awake by blocking the adenosine receptors in the brain. Many other physical processes further contribute to this toxin buildup in the brain, which leads to overwork and mental exhaustion, this is why after a long, hectic day we feel sleepy. However, when we sleep well at night, we feel refreshed later, thanks to our glymphatic system (our body's internal waste disposal system). The glymphatic system cleanses the brain of all accumulated waste with the help of cerebrospinal fluid, The glymphatic system which flushes out toxins is more active when we sleep. Thus, the brain is refreshed for the next day to absorb and process new information. This explains why a good night's rest helps to stay focused and alert the next day, while sleep deprivation slows down the brain and increases the need for sleep.
Types of sleep disorders

Conditions that affect the quality and duration of sleep are called sleep disorders. On average, adults need 7to 9 hours of good quality sleep to stay fit, alert and active. Although the number of hours needed for healthy sleep may vary from person to person, anything less than 5 to 6 hours of sleep is associated with many health complications. Let us take a quick look at some common sleep disorders.

1. Sleep apnea

It is a common sleep-related disorder in which breathing is obstructed during sleep. This disorder is triggered when the tissues of the mouth and throat frequently relax, blocking the upper airway. This occurs due to faulty signal transmission between the brain and the muscles that control breathing. Sleep apnea can be treated with oral appliances, CPAP therapy and, in certain cases, surgery.

2. Shift work disorder

Some people whose jobs require them to work late at night or early in the morning tend to have shift work disorder. Sleeping during the day and working at night can upset the body's circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. The circadian rhythm responds to exposure to light and darkness and induces sleep or wakefulness accordingly. Such people have difficulty staying awake at work or finding sound sleep during their rest periods. Treatment in such cases is to strategically improve alertness at work and increase sleep quality during rest periods.
3. Insomnia

The inability to fall asleep or sleep through the night, despite having the time and desire to do so, is called insomnia. Stress and anxiety and old age trigger insomnia. Insomnia can be treated with the help of sleeping pills, relaxation techniques, therapy sessions, etc.
4. Hypersomnia

This is a neurological condition in which the sufferer feels an excessive urge to sleep during the day, even after an all-nighter. People with hypersomnia have difficulty concentrating on work, school, lectures, meetings or social events. This can have a negative impact on their social and professional lives. Treatment for hypersomnia includes improving sleep habits and reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption.

5. Chronic fatigue syndrome

This syndrome, also known as postexertional malaise, is characterized by fatigue that lasts longer than six months. People who suffer from this syndrome have difficulty performing routine activities at work, school, or in their personal lives. There is no cure for CFS, but cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), good sleep hygiene, exercise habits and, in certain cases, medication have been shown to improve symptoms.

How does sleep affect your work performance?

When we have a deadline, an important presentation to prepare, or just too much work to do, most of us stay up all night to get the work done. The work gets done, but the next day we feel exhausted or drained.

In this age of work pressure, deadlines and constant stress, you may find it difficult to catch up on your sleep or go to bed on time. But when you do your best, you end up underperforming at work. Lack of sleep affects learning, mood, reaction time and memory. Insomnia can also cause inflammation, hallucinations, and high blood pressure; it's also been linked to diabetes and obesity, and in severe cases can even lead to death from stroke. Lack of sleep also affects your cognitive abilities, mood, and alertness.

The affect of insufficient sleep on your work

We all have the notion that if we stay up late at night to get our work done, we'll get more done. The truth is that we are less productive the next day, and so begins a vicious cycle that destroys our sleep patterns. We have listed a few ways that sleep negatively affects your work performance.

1. Concentration and alertness

Lack of sleep can lead to decreased alertness as your mind feels exhausted, resulting in decreased work performance. Leading to decreased mental attention. In certain work profiles, this can be very dangerous if you need to stay focused and alert.
2. Memory

When the brain does not have enough time at night to process information and store it as memory, it can affect both short-term and long-term memory. So, insufficient sleep hinders both the formation of new memories and the recall of old memories.

3. Creativity

The creativity center of our brain is activated when it is fully rested. Many music composers, writers and artists have their best creative ideas in dreams.

4. Mood

No one likes a cranky boss or a grumpy employer. Irritable and impatient behavior may be a result of not taking proper sleep. This affects your communication and leadership skills.

5. Decision Making

Loss of sleep can affect your ability to make correct decisions. Since your brain and body are not fully functional, adequate sleep can help you see things clearly and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

6. Quality of work

While it is human nature to make mistakes, our susceptibility to error increases twofold when we are sleep-deprived. Better sleep helps us focus better, which makes us less likely to make mistakes at work.
Good performance at work needs good Sleep.

Easier said than done, you may want to go to bed on time, but what if you just can not sleep? To get your daily 7to 9 hours of sleep, we have compiled a few natural sleep remedies you can incorporate into your daily routine to get your much-needed beauty sleep.

1. Cooler room temperature

During sleep, our body temperature drops a few degrees as our metabolism slows down.  The process is called thermoregulation. So, keeping the temperature in your bedroom lower will help you fall asleep better.
2. Reduce light exposure

When our brain senses darkness, it triggers the production of melatonin, which induces sleep. When exposed to light during the day, melatonin production decreases, causing us to enter a state of wakefulness. When we use devices like cell phones or even laptops at night, the blue light confuses our brain, causing melatonin levels to drop making it difficult to fall asleep.

3. Avoid stimulants

Stimulants are substances that cause our bodies and minds to become more alert and awake. Stimulants increase our breathing rate, heart rate and blood pressure. Stimulants can be foods, medications, or supplements. The most common food stimulants are tea and coffee because they contain caffeine. So keep your consumption of stimulants low at least an hour before bedtime.

4. Reduce stress

Even when your body is exhausted, your mind is constantly working. Anxiety, depression, tension, and overthinking can all affect your sleep. When you are under stress, your body produces cortisol, which triggers a flight or fight response. This increases blood flow to the brain, increases heart rate, and increases blood pressure, leading to a state of alertness, which delays sleep.
5. Eliminate clutter

If you have trouble falling asleep, decluttering your bedroom can be a big help. Clutter in our physical environment grabs our attention and can trigger stress, which negatively impacts sleep onset. So next time, tidy up the areas around your bed and avoid piling your clothes on the bedroom chair or storing them behind the doors.

6. Reduce naps

Just as you will not be able to eat a meal if your stomach is already full, you will not be able to sleep on time if you have been napping during the day. Make a conscious effort to stay awake during the day so you can fall asleep at night.
7. Watch what you eat and drink

Poor eating and drinking habits can affect your sleep quality. Spicy foods, high-protein foods like steak, highly processed or fast foods, and sugary drinks all lead to a decrease in the amount of sleep you get. This is because the body is busy digesting the foods consumed in high-calorie meals.

It has been observed that sleep quality and quantity improves with an early and light dinner. To sleep better, eat complex carbohydrates before bed, such as whole grain toast or a bowl of oatmeal, as they are not only easy to digest but also stimulate the release of serotonin. Avoid spicy foods, tomato sauce or other acidic foods three hours before bedtime to reduce the risk of heartburn or indigestion. Other foods that contain natural melatonin include fish, nuts such as pistachios and almonds, goji berries and tart cherries.

8. Opt for a hot shower

A warm or cold shower can help you fall asleep. A warm bath relaxes the body, and this relaxing effect is good for a good night's sleep. Bathing in warm water lowers the body temperature, which cools the body and promotes sleep.
Proven useful for people suffering from sleep disorders. When looking for the best supplements, look for those that are 100% herbal melatonin and even contain ingredients like valerian root so you don't have to worry about side effects like habituation.
Valerian root is another natural sleep aid that is commonly used in supplements. This root is extracted from the valerian plant, an herb native to Asia and Europe. Valerian root contains some important constituents such as iridoids, flavonoids, valerenic acid, lignans and GABA, which might be responsible for its sleep-inducing effects. In addition to its sleep-inducing effects, valerian root has long been used as a natural remedy for fatigue, headaches and stomach cramps. Valerian root also has anti-inflammatory properties. These GABA components, especially those in valerian root, are believed to relieve anxiety, thereby creating a relaxed state of mind and promoting sleep.
Melatonin supplements can help anyone, even those who travel frequently from overworked moms to night shift workers struggling with jet lag.


Sleep is a biological necessity, not a luxury. If we don't start prioritizing sleep, we won't be able to perform our best at work. So pull up your socks and get enough sleep to stay awake at work. Naturebasics Sleep supplements can help you maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle.
