The Secret to a Healthier Life: 5 Amazing Benefits of Ginseng
  Posted on 16 Mar, 2023
Widely used among Indians and the Chinese to enhance sexual behavior, ginseng improves sperm quality, infertility issues, and performance among men. Often referred to as the King of all herbs, ginseng is a promising agent associated with improving general well-being. It is also considered an aphrodisiac and is widely used by the Chinese to enhance sexual behavior and treat sexual dysfunctions. Ginseng helps with libido, copulatory performances, sperm quality, and infertility, among others. According to a 2015 study, infertility affects around 15% of couples worldwide, and out of these cases, 20-30% are solely due to male factors. Therefore, men are seeking ways to overcome this issue. Today, herbal therapy has gained massive popularity to treat various problems, including infertility. One of the most commonly used herbs to treat impotence and other sexual dysfunctions is ginseng. Apart from treating infertility, ginseng benefits for men extend to a long list. Ginseng improves sexual wellness in men.

Ginseng for better erections Ginseng is widely used among the Chinese as a traditional herbal formula to enhance sexual performance. In a clinical study, it was observed that 45 men with erectile dysfunction saw an improvement after consuming 900mg of Korean red ginseng thrice daily for eight weeks. Using ginseng boosts nitric oxide, causing the muscles to relax and thus enabling more blood to enter the erectile bodies responsible for erections.

Ginseng for increased libido Both Asian and American ginseng can improve libido among men. Consuming monitored ginseng synthesizes testosterone in the cell responsible for the LH hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Testosterone levels are directly proportionate to libido and are hence one of the primary components in the prescriptions given to men to improve libido.

Ginseng boosts sperm count and motility The effect of ginseng on spermatogenesis having any positive impact was published for the first time in 1977. Studies have shown that ginseng extracts can increase sperm count in humans. The use of Panax ginseng has demonstrated an increase in sperm motility and density. Using ginseng boosts nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide production, which are closely related to the healthy functioning of sperm. Another added benefit of ginseng is preserving ejaculated sperm. In a study, it was witnessed that sperms nurtured with ginseng extracts had a higher sperm count than those treated in other ways. There is an increase in sperm motility, membrane integrity of sperm, and fertility after adding ginseng extract to the cryogen for sperm.

Immunity Booster Ginseng's positive effects have been seen in the immune system. Consuming ginseng reduces the chance of getting an infection with a lower recurrence of symptoms. Additionally, studies show that people who take ginseng can live disease-free for up to five years after surgery than those who do not consume it.

Increase energy levels with Ginseng It is believed that ginseng has properties to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue in the body. According to a study, patients who consumed Panax Ginseng experienced lower levels of mental and physical fatigue than those who did not. Additionally, extensive research shows that ginseng can help in enhancing physical activities.

Although ginseng can help improve sex life, one cannot completely rely on it. To ensure the best results, one should also follow a healthy diet, regular exercise, build an emotional connection with their partner, and avoid consuming too much alcohol and tobacco. Additionally, people who are being treated for diabetes with insulin or similar medication could experience an adverse reaction. It is advised to consult a healthcare professional for ensuring the safe administration of the herb.
